| | |
Indicator |
1.1 |
Source(s) |
1. http://delaware.gov
Comment(s) |
1. No policy found |
1.2 |
Source(s) |
1. http://delaware.gov
Comment(s) |
1. No policy found |
1.3 |
Source(s) |
1. http://delaware.gov
Comment(s) |
1. |
1.4 |
Source(s) |
1. http://delaware.gov
Comment(s) |
1. |
1.5 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.delawarebreastfeeding.org
Comment(s) |
1. |
1.6 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.delawarebreastfeeding.org
Comment(s) |
1. Meeting are announced via website.http:// ?
Not clear whether monitoring or reviewing |
1.7 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.delawarebreastfeeding.org
Comment(s) |
1. No data available |
1.8 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.nwica.org/states/delaware
Comment(s) |
1. A state WIC breastfeeding coordinator duties limited to ?
exclusively serve WIC only |
4.1 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.nationalpartnership.org/research-library/work-family/paid-leave/state-paid-family-leave-laws.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. No additional protections to federal law. |
4.2 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.legalmomentum.org/content/delaware-laws-relating-pregnancy
Comment(s) |
1. |
4.3.a |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.legalmomentum.org/content/delaware-laws-relating-pregnancy
Comment(s) |
1. |
4.3.b |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.legalmomentum.org/content/delaware-laws-relating-pregnancy
Comment(s) |
1. |
4.4.a |
Source(s) |
1. http://delcode.delaware.gov/title31/c003/sc01/index.shtml#310
Comment(s) |
1. |
4.4.b |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/pdf/2016breastfeedingreportcard.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. Response indicates whether state child care regulations support ?
onsite breastfeeding. Data on employer provision of onsite ?
daycare was not found. |
4.5 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.legalmomentum.org/content/delaware-laws-relating-pregnancy
Comment(s) |
1. does not specify which employment sectors are covered by the law |
4.6.a |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.legalmomentum.org/content/delaware-laws-relating-pregnancy
Comment(s) |
1. |
4.6.b |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.legalmomentum.org/content/delaware-laws-relating-pregnancy
Comment(s) |
1. |
4.7 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.ncsl.org/research/labor-and-employment/state-family-and-medical-leave-laws.aspx
2. http://www.nationalpartnership.org/research-library/work-family/paid-leave/state-paid-family-leave-laws.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. Only federal protections |
4.8 |
Source(s) |
1. http://family.findlaw.com/paternity/paternity-leave.html
2. http://www.nationalpartnership.org/research-library/work-family/paid-leave/state-paid-family-leave-laws.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. Only federal protections |
4.9 |
Source(s) |
1. http://hr.blr.com/HR-topics/Discrimination/Pregnancy-Maternity/delaware
Comment(s) |
1. |
4.10 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.legalmomentum.org/content/delaware-laws-relating-pregnancy
Comment(s) |
1. Unclear whether job protection is included; also unclear whether ?
law applies to breastfeeding period. |
9.1 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.dema.delaware.gov/services/ disaster_prep.shtml
Comment(s) |
1. |
9.2 |
Source(s) |
1. http:// www.dema.delaware.gov/information/IMT.shtml
Comment(s) |
1. Emergency coordinator. No responsibility for infant feeding ?
listed |
9.3.a |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.dema.delaware.gov/services/ disaster_prep.shtml
Comment(s) |
1. |
9.3.b |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.dema.delaware.gov/services/ disaster_prep.shtml
Comment(s) |
1. |
9.4 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.dema.delaware.gov
Comment(s) |
1. |
9.5.a |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.dema.delaware.gov/services/ training.shtml
Comment(s) |
1. |
9.5.b |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.dema.delaware.gov/services/ training.shtml
Comment(s) |
1. |
10.1 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/dph/chca/dphwichominf01.html
Comment(s) |
1. This state has one major infant and young child feeding program, ?
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and ?
Children (WIC). Into the WIC program are built monitoring and ?
evaluation components. |
10.2 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/dph/chca/dphwichominf01.html
Comment(s) |
1. |
10.3 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/dph/chca/dphwichominf01.html
Comment(s) |
1. |
10.4 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.fns.usda.gov/pd/wic-program
Comment(s) |
1. All states report program data to UDSA office. USDA is ?
considered the key-decision maker. The majority of the ?
information reported is program data ie client participation and ?
program costs. |
10.5 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.cdc.gov/prams/index.htm
Comment(s) |
1. |
2. No statewide toddler feeding survey found. |