| | |
Indicator |
1.1 |
Source(s) |
1. http://louisiana.gov/Search/?q=breastfeeding&x=0&y=0
Comment(s) |
1. |
1.2 |
Source(s) |
1. http://louisiana.gov/Search/?q=breastfeeding&x=0&y=0
Comment(s) |
1. |
1.3 |
Source(s) |
1. http://louisiana.gov/Search/?q=breastfeeding&x=0&y=0
2. http://www.dhh.louisiana.gov/index.cfm/newsroom/detail/3507
Comment(s) |
1. .5
Although Louisiana has a initiative called "The Gift" to increase?
baby friendly hospitals and raise the initiation rate, no ?
evidence a plan of action for infant feeding can be located. |
2. http://louisiana.gov/Search/?q=breastfeeding&x=0&y=0 |
1.4 |
Source(s) |
1. http://lfo.louisiana.gov/files/budget/FY%2016%20&%20FY%2017%20Budgets.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. |
1.5 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.louisianabreastfeedingcoalition.org
Comment(s) |
1. |
1.6 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.louisianabreastfeedingcoalition.org/about/meetingsevents/
Comment(s) |
1. Yes, however, there are no updated meeting dates and times posted?
for 2017 |
1.7 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.louisianabreastfeedingcoalition.org/about/member-organizations/
Comment(s) |
1. .5 |
1.8 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.nwica.org/states/louisiana
Comment(s) |
1. Yes State breastfeeding coordinator is employed, however duties ?
are exclusively limited to WIC population. |
4.1 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/maps/
Comment(s) |
1. No additional protections to federal law. |
4.2 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/maps/
2. http://www.louisianabreastfeedingcoalition.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Louisiana-SB-28-Act-681-Lactation-1.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. "DOL: The only state-specific law applies to employees of public ?
schools. Louisiana school boards are required to provide nursing ?
employees with a private room to express breast milk, and a ?
reasonable amount of break time to do so, for up to one year ?
after the birth of the child. If possible, the break time must ?
occur during the employee's ordinary break time; any additional ?
leave will be unpaid.
La. Rev. Stat. 17:81(W)." |
4.3.a |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/maps/
Comment(s) |
1. The only state-specific law applies to employees of public ?
schools. Louisiana school boards are required to provide nursing ?
employees with a private room to express breast milk, and a ?
reasonable amount of break time to do so, for up to one year ?
after the birth of the child. If possible, the break time must ?
occur during the employee's ordinary break time; any additional ?
leave will be unpaid. La. Rev. Stat. 17:81(W). |
4.3.b |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/maps/
Comment(s) |
1. DOL: The only state-specific law applies to employees of public ?
schools. Louisiana school boards are required to provide nursing ?
employees with a private room to express breast milk, and a ?
reasonable amount of break time to do so, for up to one year ?
after the birth of the child. If possible, the break time must ?
occur during the employee's ordinary break time; any additional ?
leave will be unpaid. La. Rev. Stat. 17:81(W). |
4.4.a |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/maps/
2. http://legis.la.gov/Legis/Law.aspx?d=104292
Comment(s) |
1. DOL: The only state-specific law applies to employees of public ?
schools. Louisiana school boards are required to provide nursing ?
employees with a private room to express breast milk, and a ?
reasonable amount of break time to do so, for up to one year ?
after the birth of the child. If possible, the break time must ?
occur during the employee's ordinary break time; any additional ?
leave will be unpaid. La. Rev. Stat. 17:81(W). |
4.4.b |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/pdf/2016breastfeedingreportcard.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. Data on employer provision of onsite daycare was not found. |
4.5 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/maps/
Comment(s) |
1. Only federal protections |
4.6.a |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/maps/
2. http://www.legis.la.gov/Legis/Law.aspx?d=83884
Comment(s) |
1. La. Rev. Stat. 23:341-342. |
2. Unclear if workers are made aware |
4.6.b |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/maps/
2. http://www.legis.la.gov/Legis/Law.aspx?d=83884
Comment(s) |
1. All complaints handled by federal OSHA office |
4.7 |
Source(s) |
1. http://family.findlaw.com/paternity/paternity-leave.html
2. http://www.nationalpartnership.org/research-library/work-family/paid-leave/state-paid-family-leave-laws.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. Only federal protections |
4.8 |
Source(s) |
1. http://family.findlaw.com/paternity/paternity-leave.html
2. http://www.nationalpartnership.org/research-library/work-family/paid-leave/state-paid-family-leave-laws.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. Only federal protections |
4.9 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/maps/
2. http://www.legis.la.gov/Legis/Law.aspx?d=83884
Comment(s) |
1. La. Rev. Stat. 23:341-342. |
2. Unclear if safety information and reporting process made ?
available to workers |
3. BF not specifically mentioned, but law covers all conditions ?
related to pregnancy and childbirth |
4.10 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/maps/
Comment(s) |
1. |
9.1 |
Source(s) |
1. statehttp://www.louisianabreastfeedingcoalition.org/providers/breastfeeding-and-emergencies/
Comment(s) |
1. No policy found |
9.2 |
Source(s) |
1. http://gohsep.la.gov/ABOUT/CONTACT-US/GOHSEP-CONTACTS
Comment(s) |
1. They have a director that coordinates and activates programs ?
during natural disaster |
9.3.a |
Source(s) |
1. http://gohsep.la.gov
Comment(s) |
1. |
9.3.b |
Source(s) |
1. http://gohsep.la.gov
Comment(s) |
1. |
9.4 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.doa.la.gov/opb/pub/FY16/FY16_Executive_Budget.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. |
9.5.a |
Source(s) |
Comment(s) |
1. No evidence found |
9.5.b |
Source(s) |
Comment(s) |
1. No evidence found |
10.1 |
Source(s) |
1. http://ldh.louisiana.gov/index.cfm/page/942
Comment(s) |
1. This state has one major infant and young child feeding program, ?
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and ?
Children (WIC). Into the WIC program are built monitoring and ?
evaluation components. |
10.2 |
Source(s) |
1. http://ldh.louisiana.gov/index.cfm/page/942
Comment(s) |
1. |
10.3 |
Source(s) |
1. http://ldh.louisiana.gov/index.cfm/page/942
Comment(s) |
1. |
10.4 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.fns.usda.gov/pd/wic-program
Comment(s) |
1. All states report program data to UDSA office. USDA is ?
considered the key-decision maker. The majority of the ?
information reported is program data ie client participation and ?
program costs. |
10.5 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.cdc.gov/prams/index.htm
Comment(s) |
1. |