| | |
Indicator |
1.1 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/HTML/BySection/Chapter_14/GS_14-190.9.html
Comment(s) |
1. Breastfeeding women are excluded from the indecency law. |
1.2 |
Source(s) |
Comment(s) |
1. No policy found |
1.3 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.nutritionnc.com/breastfeeding/PDFS/bf-stateplanFINAL.pdf
2. http://www.nutritionnc.com/breastfeeding/PDFS/NCBreastfeedingBlueprintStatusUpdateDecember2011.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. A 2006 and 2011 blueprint/ action plan for breastfeeding plan was?
found. Has this been monitored and updated?
The strategic plan for the years to 2020 addresses support and ?
education, but no recommendation for breastfeeding exclusivity ?
and duration were found. |
3. http://whb.ncpublichealth.com/docs/PHSP-FINAL-website-10-31-16.pd?
f |
1.4 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.americashealthrankings.org/explore/2015-annual-report/measure/PH_Spending/state/NC
Comment(s) |
1. North Carolina ranks 48th in Public Health spending. It is ?
unclear how much has been allocated to breastfeeding. |
1.5 |
Source(s) |
1. http://ncbfc.org/
Comment(s) |
1. The North Carolina Breastfeeding Coalition |
1.6 |
Source(s) |
1. http://ncbfc.org/ncbc-meetings/
Comment(s) |
1. should be 1.5
Minutes of past meetings are recent and indicate a review of ?
perinatal goals and progress. |
1.7 |
Source(s) |
1. http://ncbfc.org/for-members/join-ncbc/
Comment(s) |
1. Although the website lists disciplines for membership, there is ?
no indication found of linking except to two organizations. |
1.8 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.fns.usda.gov/sites/default/files/wic/WICNutrition-BreastfeedingCoordinators-Contacts.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. The lone state Breastfeeding Coordinator is for WIC. |
4.1 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/state_protection_summary_508_txt.htm
Comment(s) |
1. No additional protections to federal law. |
4.2 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/state_protection_summary_508_txt.htm
Comment(s) |
1. Federal protections only |
4.3.a |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/state_protection_summary_508_txt.htm
Comment(s) |
1. Only federal protections apply |
4.3.b |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/state_protection_summary_508_txt.htm
Comment(s) |
1. Only federal protections apply |
4.4.a |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/maps/
2. http://www.ncga.state.nc.us/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/HTML/BySection/Chapter_14/GS_14-190.9.html
Comment(s) |
1. NC 14-190.9. Indecent Exposure. "(b) Notwithstanding any ?
other provision of law, a woman may breast feed in any public or ?
private location where she is otherwise authorized to be, ?
irrespective of whether the nipple of the mother's breast is ?
uncovered during or incidental to the breast feeding." |
4.4.b |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/pdf/2016breastfeedingreportcard.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. Response indicates whether state child care regulations support ?
onsite breastfeeding. Data on employer provision of onsite ?
daycare was not found. |
2. http://www.nchealthystart.org/resources/after-pregnancy/breastfee?
ding/breastfeeding-and-nc-law/ |
4.5 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/state_protection_summary_508_txt.htm
2. http://www.legalmomentum.org/node/623
Comment(s) |
1. Only federal protections |
4.6.a |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/state_protection_summary_508_txt.htm
2. https://labor.ny.gov/workerprotection/laborstandards/nursing-mothers.shtm
Comment(s) |
1. Only federal protections |
2. unclear if workers are made aware |
4.6.b |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/state_protection_summary_508_txt.htm
2. http://www.legalmomentum.org/node/623
Comment(s) |
1. Only federal protections |
4.7 |
Source(s) |
1. http://family.findlaw.com/paternity/paternity-leave.html
2. http://www.nationalpartnership.org/research-library/work-family/paid-leave/state-paid-family-leave-laws.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. Only federal protections |
4.8 |
Source(s) |
1. http://family.findlaw.com/paternity/paternity-leave.html
2. http://www.nationalpartnership.org/research-library/work-family/paid-leave/state-paid-family-leave-laws.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. Only federal protections |
4.9 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/state_protection_summary_508_txt.htm
2. http://www.legalmomentum.org/node/623
Comment(s) |
1. Only federal protections |
4.10 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.dol.gov/wb/state_protection_summary_508_txt.htm
Comment(s) |
1. Only federal protections |
9.1 |
Source(s) |
1. https://ncdps.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/documents/files/NCEOP%202016.pdf.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. Although "feeding" is found 70 times in the emergency plan ?
(including the feeding of exotic animals), infant and young child?
feeding is not included. |
9.2 |
Source(s) |
1. https://ncdps.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/documents/files/NCEOP%202016.pdf.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. No evidence found |
9.3.a |
Source(s) |
1. https://ncdps.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/documents/files/NCEOP%202016.pdf.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. No evidence found |
9.3.b |
Source(s) |
1. https://ncdps.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/documents/files/NCEOP%202016.pdf.pdf
Comment(s) |
1. No evidence found |
9.4 |
Source(s) |
1. http://www.wral.com/lawmakers-set-aside-500-000-for-hb2-litigation/15818412/
Comment(s) |
1. Unknown since money was taken from the emergency management ?
budget to fund HB2 litigation. |
9.5.a |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.ncdps.gov/search?search_api_views_fulltext=infant+feeding+training&sort_by=search_api_relevance
Comment(s) |
1. No evidence found |
9.5.b |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.ncdps.gov/search?search_api_views_fulltext=infant+feeding+training&sort_by=search_api_relevance
Comment(s) |
1. No evidence found |
10.1 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.health.ny.gov/prevention/nutrition/wic/
Comment(s) |
1. This state has one major infant and young child feeding program, ?
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and ?
Children (WIC). Into the WIC program are built monitoring and ?
evaluation components. |
10.2 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.health.ny.gov/prevention/nutrition/wic/
Comment(s) |
1. |
10.3 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.health.ny.gov/prevention/nutrition/wic/
Comment(s) |
1. |
10.4 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.fns.usda.gov/pd/wic-program
Comment(s) |
1. All states report program data to UDSA office. USDA is ?
considered the key-decision maker. The majority of the ?
information reported is program data ie client participation and ?
program costs. |
10.5 |
Source(s) |
1. https://www.cdc.gov/prams/index.htm
Comment(s) |
1. |